Frontend For a Hotel Booking Website

We developed a modern frontend for Splitty Travel, an established hotel booking website, maintaining its existing backend infrastructure. The primary goal for replacing the existing frontend was to enhance its mobile-friendliness and optimize the load speed of the platform.
React.js, Typescript, Docker, Puppeteer
3 man/year


Splitty Travel, an innovative hotel booking website, had been operating for several years when its owners recognized its existing UI had become outdated. They contacted SCD to completely rewrite the system frontend while retaining the existing backend. The primary objectives were to enhance mobile-friendliness and achieve a minimum score of at least 90 on Google PageSpeed Insights.


We rewrote the website Frontend using React.js and TypeScript. In the process, we implemented a comprehensive set of integration and speed tests using Puppeteer. It ensured that the system load time did not suddenly degrade. To optimize the website load time, we employed various techniques, including converting it into a Progressive Web App (PWA), implementing extensive lazy loading, analyzing, and optimizing the sizes of its distributions. As a result of the successful UI development, we created a more responsive website with more efficient user experience.