Personalized Forecasting Systems Development for Your Projects

Are you looking to optimize your business processes by accurately predicting various aspects of your projects?

What We Offer

Here are some ways automated forecasting systems can transform your large-scale projects, enhance your team efficiency, and help with better decision-making:

Forecast task durations

Forecast task durations in large-scale, complex projects to improve your project planning process, predict the expected execution and estimated duration of tasks.

Prediction of incidents

Prediction of incidents, allowing you to identify potential issues before they occur and mitigate them.

Predicting customer behavior

Predicting customer behavior, allowing you to better understand your customer needs, preferences, and actions.

Predicting product characteristics

Predicting product characteristics to help increase the likelihood of its purchase.

Forecasting characteristics of customers

Forecasting characteristics of customers to predict which customers are most likely to become the most profitable.

Other business areas

Other business areas where forecasting systems can be effectively applied, provided there is accumulated historical data on the processes.

When Can Outcomes Be Forecasted?

Two conditions are important for the development of prediction systems:

A large amount of historical data.

The historical data that correlates with what we are predicting.

For example, to forecast the duration of tasks in a large-scale project, we need historical data on previously completed tasks (with as many characteristics as possible) and their actual durations.

The second condition (correlation) ensures that the characteristics in the historical data are closely related to the predicted outcome. For instance, predicting intelligence based on height and hair color is unlikely to be possible due to lack of correlation.

The Process Of Building Custom Forecasting Systems

A forecasting project is typically executed the following way:


First we conduct a quick manual review. We carefully examine the accumulated historical data to determine if there is enough of it and if it correlates with the predicted value. If the historical data is insufficient or lacks correlation, the process is stopped at this stage.


Next, if the above-mentioned requirements are met, meaning we have enough data and a correlation with the predicted value, we apply several quick approaches. This involves writing scripts based on mathematical algorithms to verify if the data truly correlates with the value.

These steps are cost-effective and reduce risks. After completing these steps, we can definitively state whether the prediction task is solvable and roughly estimate the accuracy of future predictions. If the task is indeed solvable and the accuracy is acceptable, full-scale development can begin.

This usually includes integration with an existing system, an interactive interface for refining predictions and interactions, and sometimes self-learning mechanisms to adapt to the changing nature of historical data.

Real Project Example

We were presented with a large-scale construction project with numerous interconnected tasks. After receiving the project concept and conducting initial discussions, we developed an outline of the project vision and shared it with the client.

Outline of Project Vision

First of all, we presented our understanding of the project’s current state, objectives as currently perceived, an initial phase task list, and any questions we have at this stage.

During the initial phase, our primary goal was to assess the feasibility of achieving the project goals. To optimize resource allocation, we strived to make this phase as short as possible.

In the scope of this project, we are given two main challenges:


To forecast the duration of tasks


To identify patterns of incidents

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Customer’s Testimonials

“I truly have never worked with a development team that's more reliable than SCD Company.”

Oliver Thiemann

CEO, Software Company

Flensburg, Germany

“We’re most impressed with SCD Company’s dedication and knowledge in their field.”

Alex Myasnikov

Founder & CTO, Educational Software Company

Hoboken, New Jersey

“I was impressed with the quality of SCD Company's developers.”

Marcel Wyser

Owner, eVantage Gmbh

Zurich, Switzerland

“The quality of work has been consistently good.”

Eric Schwab

CEO, Software Company

Los Angeles, California

About us

For the past 15+ years, we have collaborated with innovative Startups, SMEs, and Enterprises from Western Europe, USA, Canada, and the Middle East. We have built unique products for FinTech, EdTech, and other industries, provided tailored software engineering and IT consultation services to over 50 companies.

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