Anyfinder Desktop Search

Anyfinder is a custom search engine developed for Infineon Technologies. It is designed to index and organize vast amounts of data accumulated by the company and distributed across thousands of workstations in the company's corporate network. The system offers different levels of access to the indexed data, based on the user’s position within the company.
Industrial Sector
C#, Java, Spring Framework
4 man/year


Infineon Technologies, Germany's largest semiconductor manufacturer, faced the challenge of having lots of corporate data stored on thousands of users’ workstations in various formats such as XLS, PDF, DOC, etc. This disorganized data structure made it difficult for the company's managers to locate and access the required documents efficiently.


The custom search engine we developed has the following functional structure:

  1. A process running on each workstation and indexing corporate documents in real time, taking the minimum amount of CPU power.
  2. A layer of data converters extracting information from the company’s data in different formats and adding it into indexes.
  3. A security layer restricting access to the indexed data according to the user access level (for example, based on a user’s position within the company).
  4. A centralized search application providing fast access to the indexed data.