Why Having Fixed Technical Specifications May Not Always Be the Best Choice in Software Development?


In an ever-evolving tech sphere and due to many innovative Startups emerging daily, some companies struggle to break the mold, compete with other industry professionals, challenge the norms to create innovative products.

So how can this challenge be addressed?

Let’s imagine, you already have an in-house software development team or maybe have found a reliable software engineering company to outsource your development processes to. What are the next steps?

Many business owners believe the next step is having technical specifications fixed way ahead of the start of the project. A technical specification is a thorough document presenting all technical processes in project or product development. The role of this document is to help you, the client, clearly understand each step taken to achieve your personal and business goals.

But why does having technical specifications set in stone may not always be the best choice for your business? In fact, it can even be harmful for your development process.

Here is an example...

Creating a software solution is similar to tailoring a custom gown: it requires commitment and is a a long-term process that can span weeks, months, or even years. In this timeframe, a lot can change. After all, the IT industry and the world is continuously advancing towards new innovations, we get new trends daily and new technological advancement emerge one after another.

As a result, your software development requirements may evolve, just as fashion trends do with each passing season. Your personal preferences or trends might shift. You might find that different color palettes and designs work much better for you and accentuate your best features. In the same way, new trends and technologies might affect the way your requested software is developed.

But if tailoring the gown doesn’t allow for on-the-spot modifications without critical and excessive costs, modern flexible software development methodologies are precisely adapted for making quick changes, adjusting and trying out your new approaches.

This allows the development team to start a project or work on a product with a crystal-clear vision of your objectives and a firm grasp of all functional blocks, without having to thoroughly outline all the structures before the start of the project. That's where Agile software development comes into play.

If you'd like to learn more about Agile development benefits, check out this article.

Obsolete Before Product Launch...

If you’ve spent half a year carefully crafting a technical specification (with the assistance of an in-house or outsourced analyst), there’s a substantial risk that your software will hit the market, only to find itself ideologically outdated and mismatched, struggling to address current issues. Your competitors may have kickstarted already and, worst case scenario, the clients may no longer be interested in your solution.

“Obsolete before launch projects” are the prime reason and fuel for the rise of agile project management methodologies. Their primary mission? Continuous accumulation of changes occurring in the client’s vision and in the external environment into the software that’s being developed.

We encourage you to explore the Agile Development Manifesto and its core values. Also, feel free to check out SCD Company’s resources regarding Agile Methodology and the Role of Transparency in Project Execution. These principles empower forward-thinking companies to create a transparent, user-friendly environment that fosters exceptional client interactions.


In the ever-changing landscape of software engineering, adaptability is key. Embracing flexible methodologies such as agile development is key. Developers should be open to breaking the mold to ensure their software projects stay relevant and are aligned with the company's goals.

Mar 28, 2023